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United Kingdom

2481 links page     
Surf Clothing Surf Clothes Australia > Resource Section Sailing Canoeing and Kayaking > Organizations > United Kingdom
Total Number of Links in this Category: 10
Norfolk Punt Club Sailing Site
Norfolk Punt Club - Sailing on Barton Broad
Freakfish Surf Shop
Online shops offers Free UK delivery
Bewl Water Canoe Club
Bewl canoe club's web site
British Canoe Union Southern Region
British Canoe Union - Find canoe trips, kayak trips, canoeing techniques, kayaking techniques, and reviews of canoes, training, courses, kayaks, paddles, and river. Kayaking and Canoeing News, Courses...
Kayak Surf Ireland
Formed to promote paddle surfing in Ireland. Includes message board, event calendar, photos, competition results, historical Irish ranking, Home International information, explanation of the surf test...
MMSU Canoe Club
Includes information about the Manchester Metropolitan University Canoe Club, details of trips and socials, articles and pictures of previous trips.
SBKC Home Page
Kayak and canoe club based in Drogheda, Ireland. Includes club news, message board, photos, and Canadian canoe section.
Southend Canoe Club Home page
News, events, contacts and information for canoeists in Essex
Oxford Adaptive Canoe Group
The Oxford Adaptive Canoe Group
Cardiff Canoe Club ~ Home
The home of Cardiff Canoe Club on the internet. Cardiff Canoe Club if a friendly club with around 50 members who participate in all aspects of the sport, although currently the main interests are whit...
2481 links page     

The links on these pages - we've checked them and they are worth a look, but we don't specifically recommend any particular site listed here, over others. By all means visit them but if you don;t find what you expected, please note we don't take responsibility for each link. if you find something distasteful - please let us know and we'll remove the link to that site.
