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Surf Clothing Surf Clothes Australia > Resource Section Sailing Canoeing and Kayaking > Regional > North America > United States > Texas
Total Number of Links in this Category: 3
canoeman.com - a web site suite featuring whitewater canoeing, wilderness camping, golf, photography and other interests of Marc W. McCord of Dallas, Texas
directory to the personal and business web pages of Marc W. McCord featuring interests in whitewater canoeing, wilderness camping, music, poetry, genealogy, pc consulting, web design, golf and aerobat...
North Texas River Runners
Club for canoers, kayakers and rafters. Includes information on monthly meetings in Bedford, membership, and trips.
The Whitewater Experience: outfitter Don Greene canoe bayou trips rentals sales
Award-winning outfitter Don Greene guides canoe, raft, and kayak trips on Buffalo Bayou and other rivers near Houston and Big Bend.
2481 links page     

The links on these pages - we've checked them and they are worth a look, but we don't specifically recommend any particular site listed here, over others. By all means visit them but if you don;t find what you expected, please note we don't take responsibility for each link. if you find something distasteful - please let us know and we'll remove the link to that site.
