Massachusetts |
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2 |
Edgartown Yacht Club
The Edgartown Yacht Club has played a leading role in perpetuating the maritime tradition of Martha’s Vineyard and Edgartown. |
Boston Sailing Center: Sailing School, Sailing Club - Lessons, Memberships, Racing, Cruising, Charters, Instruction
The Boston Sailing Center is a sailing school and sailing club located on Boston Harbor at Lewis Wharf. We offer courses at all levels from Learn to Sail to offshore racing. Membership in the Center g... |
The links on these pages - we've checked them and they are worth a look, but we don't specifically recommend any particular site listed here, over others. By all means visit them but if you don;t find what you expected, please note we don't take responsibility for each link. if you find something distasteful - please let us know and we'll remove the link to that site. |