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Surf Clothing Surf Clothes Australia > Resource Section Sailing Canoeing and Kayaking > Building
Total Number of Links in this Category: 8
Baker Brothers Boats Seakayak Page
Amateur boatbuilder's working journals with pictures.
Building a stitch and glue, plywood canoe, a pirogue, a skiff and a pram.
A stitch and glue plywood canoe - that looks like a canoe!
Details of building a Chesapeake LT17, a 17 foot sea kayak.
Doug's Boat Page
All about building kayaks and native boat technology. Includes an introduction to boatbuilding, freeware and shareware boatbuilding software, free boat plans, pictures, and related resources.
A summary of kayak building experiences: North Bay I, North Bay II, Sea Spirit I, and Sea Spirit II.
Ken's Kayak Pages
Wood Strip Kayak Construction, paddles, glassing, extensive photographs
Scubascapie's Kayak project, :: wood carvings, Native American Flutes and other stuff.
Provides photos and description of building a wooden kayak. Also includes related links.
Wooden Canoe Heritage Association
Non-profit group devoted to preserving, studying, building, restoring, and using wood, wood-canvas, cedar strip and birchbark canoes, and to disseminating information about canoeing heritage in North ...
2481 links page     

The links on these pages - we've checked them and they are worth a look, but we don't specifically recommend any particular site listed here, over others. By all means visit them but if you don;t find what you expected, please note we don't take responsibility for each link. if you find something distasteful - please let us know and we'll remove the link to that site.
